
Expository Thoughts on John, Vol. 1 is unavailable, but you can change that!

“I hold that the Gospel of St. John, rightly interpreted, is the best and simplest answer to those who profess to admire a vague and indistinct Christianity.” So says J. C. Ryle in the preface to his three volume masterwork on the book of John. Written in clear and concise language, Ryle expounds the Scriptures like nobody else. His interpretations are insightful, and his observations are...

one of the four Gospel-writers has given us such full statements about the divinity of Christ,—about justification by faith,—about the offices of Christ,—about the work of the Holy Ghost,—and about the privileges of believers, as we read in the pages of St. John. On none of these great subjects, undoubtedly, have Matthew, Mark, and Luke been silent. But in St. John’s Gospel, they stand out prominently on the surface, so that he who runs may read. The five verses now before us contain a statement
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